Press Release

Secretary General of SAARC calls on the Minister for Physical Infrastructure and Transport of Nepal

H. E. Mr. Amjad Hussian B. Sial, Secretary General of SAARC, called on Hon. Mr. Raghubir Mahaseth, Minister for Physical Infrastructure and Transport of Nepal today.


During the meeting, the Secretary General felicitated the Hon. Minister on his assumption of the Office. He also expressed good wishes for the Hon. Minister’s success in his important assignment.


While reiterating Nepal’s commitment to the SAARC process, the Hon. Minister underlined the need for regular convening of the SAARC Summits. He expressed the hope that the Nineteenth SAARC Summit would be convened at the earliest, for which, the Rt. Hon. Prime Minister of Nepal, as the current Chair, has been in consultation with the Member States. The Hon. Minister underlined the importance of road, rail and air connectivity for meaningful regional integration. He stated that the meetings of the SAARC mechanisms on transport, including the Fourth Meeting of the SAARC Transport Ministers, would be hosted by the Government of Nepal at the earliest.


The Secretary General expressed appreciation for Nepal’s commitment to the SAARC process and endeavours being made by the Rt. Hon. Prime Minister of Nepal for early convening of the Nineteenth SAARC Summit. He updated the Hon. Minister on the progress being made to enhance physical connectivity across the region, including through the conclusion of the SAARC Motor Vehicles and SAARC Railways Agreements. He also emphasized the need for early finalization of SAARC Air Services Agreement. He underscored that improved connectivity is essential to promote meaningful regional integration, economic relations, people-to-people contacts and tourism. He stressed the need for convening the Fourth Meeting of the SAARC Transport Ministers and Sixth Meeting of the Inter-Governmental Group on Transport at the earliest to finalize the two important Agreements to promote intra-regional connectivity. He also thanked the Government of Nepal for its valuable support to the Secretariat.


Kathmandu, 24 May 2018

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